
“Food Will Build A New America!” The US National Nutrition Program in 1943 - GNOLLS.ORG

“Food Will Build A New America!” The US National Nutrition Program in 1943 - GNOLLS.ORG

“Food Will Build A New America!”

The US National Nutrition Program in 1943 versus - now!

An alert reader (Michael Plunkett, mpix123) sent me the following scan from the “National Nutrition Edition” of a Kerr Canning Co. booklet published in 1943. (This was the height of World War II.)

“Every Day, Eat This Way”

I recommend clicking on the picture below so you can read the text.

"Food Will Build A New America!"  Every day, eat this way

Click image to read at full size

Can you imagine the phrase “vitamin-rich fats” in any government or mainstream dietary recommendation today? I can’t either.

Just for fun, let’s figure out how many changes we have to make in order to turn this chart into a guide to functional paleo. Let’s see…delete the “bread and cereal” box…pull corn out of the “vegetables” box and peanuts out of the “spreads” box…demote dairy to “use dairy fats sparingly”, and strike the phrase “or fortified margarine”…I think we’re done!

And even in its original form, we still have a diet whose fundamentals are meat, eggs, a wide variety of vegetables, and butter.

Death By Pyramid

Pyramids are never a good thing.

From Egypt to Central America, pyramids have meant endless, grinding, grain-fueled slavery for the glory and enrichment of the ruling class. In modern America, they mean…

The Original Food Pyramid

…well, basically the same thing.

Fighting obesity with the US Government's dietary recommendations.