
Red meat is still not bad for you, but shoddy research and clueless media are

Red meat is still not bad for you, but shoddy research and clueless media are

I don’t think I’ve ever posted two blogs in one day, but this is a special circumstance.  I’m sure most of you have heard the “alarming” news reports yesterday about the “study” recently published that “proves” – once and for all – that red meat is killing you.  I received a number of emails, Facebook comments and Tweets from concerned readers, especially people who have recently switched to a Paleo diet and are now wondering whether they’re shortening their lifespan as a result.

In my fantasy world, researchers don’t make the most rookie mistake in the book (claiming that correlation is causation) and science reporters actually have a clue how to critically analyze a scientific study, rather than just parroting what they read on the AP newswire.  Alas, reality is not so forthcoming.
I’m sitting in the airport on the way to the PaleoFX conference as I write this, which means I don’t have time to write a full critique of the study myself.  Fortunately, my esteemed colleagues have relieved me of that responsibility, so I can simply direct you to their articles.
The first is over at Mark’s Daily Apple, written by Denise Minger.  The second is at Robb Wolf’s blog, written by Robb himself.

After reading those two articles, you will surely be disabused of the notion that the study everyone is trumpeting as a “definitive” condemnation of red meat is anything of the sort.  And my hope is that the more of these critical analyses you read, the more you will question what you read in the mainstream media.