
The Cochrane Collaboration - Library resources

great resource library, specifically open to the lay as well as the professional researcher.......

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About The Cochrane Library - The Cochrane Library

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About us | The Cochrane Collaboration

"Our vision is that healthcare decision-making throughout the world will be informed by high quality, timely research evidence"

"The Cochrane Collaboration, established in 1993, is an international network of people helping healthcare providers, policy makers, patients, their advocates and carers, make well-informed decisions about human health care by preparing, updating and promoting the accessibility of Cochrane Reviews – over 4,500 so far, published online in The Cochrane Library. 
We believe in equal partnerships
The Collaboration believes that effective health care is created through equal partnerships between researcher, provider, practitioner and patient.
Cochrane Reviews are unique because they are both produced by, and are relevant to, everyone interested in the effects of health care. Based on the best available evidence, healthcare providers can decide if they should fund production of a particular drug. Practitioners can find out if an intervention is effective in a specific clinical context. Patients and other healthcare consumers can assess the potential risks and benefits of their treatment."