
The Daily Lipid: Is Butter High in AGEs?

The Daily Lipid: Is Butter High in AGEs?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Is Butter High in AGEs?

A butter-loving reader posed the following question to me:
Thanks for all the work you do. Any chance you could post something on the AGE content of butter? Does it make a difference if AGEs are endogenously or exogenously produced? Thank in advance.
Suffice it to say he liked my answer. I'll repeat it here, with a little more detail.

The reader may have seen Dr. William Davis's recent post, "The Anti-AGEing Diet," in which he wrote the following:
And minimize or avoid butter use, if we are to believe the data that suggest that it contains the highest exogenous AGE content of any known food.
Are we to believe this data? I don't.