
White Potatoes and Human Health, Part I

Whole Health Source: Potatoes and Human Health, Part I

Whole Health Source: Potatoes and Human Health, Part II

Whole Health Source: Potatoes and Human Health, Part III

The Bottom Line

You made it to the end! Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.

In my opinion, the scientific literature as a whole, including animal and human studies, suggests rather consistently that potatoes can be a healthy part of a varied diet for most people. Nevertheless, I wouldn't recommend eating nothing but potatoes for any length of time. If you do choose to eat potatoes, follow these simple guidelines:
  • Don't eat potatoes that are green, sprouting, blemished or damaged
  • Store them in a cool, dark place. They don't need to be refrigerated but it will extend their life
  • Peel them before eating
Enjoy your potatoes!