
The Great Ancestral Health Symposium Blog Post Roundup #AHS11 | Free The Animal

The Great Ancestral Health Symposium Blog Post Roundup #AHS11 | Free The Animal

August 10th, 2011 · 35 Comments · Primitive Wisdom

For those new, just Stumbling, googling in or, linked here, this is a roundup of blog post assessments, remembrances, and photos and commentary surrounding the just completed first Ancestral Health Symposium, held on the beautiful campus of UCLA, August 5-6, 2011. Click around. Note that the people don't look like the people do on your average trip to the mall, or, hell, anywhere.

These are people who have ignored every ounce of bullshit vomited by the news media, the "alphabets," the "experts." ...All of whom are the whores of the big "food" conglomerates that manufacture the "crap in a box" and bottled sugar that is making the world obese, step by step.

If you're a regular here, just start clicking and reading. I've read most of them over the last few days, and there's some great stuff which should serve to put your butt in a seat, belatedly.

Let's get to it. They're going up in exactly the order they came to me.

Lindsay Starke, Wildness and Wonder, who does her best to be a bit different, which is always an attractive trait. Initial Thoughts from the Ancestral Health Symposium. She comes in with a second post: Top Ten WTF Moments of #AHS11.

Jamie "That Paleo Guy" Scott, who speaks English with a funny accent. Ancestral Health Symposium - The Respect Post.

Dr. Jack "The Neurosurgeon" Kruse, Living An Optimized Life, with an early post I'd categorize as stream of consciousness, a welcome thing. My Very Fresh Initial Thoughts Of AHS 2011.

Roger Dickerman. Ancestral Health Symposium 2011: The Best Stuff on Earth.

Emily "Evolutionary Shrink" Deans, Evolutionary Psychology. Ancestral Health Symposium. And her's her followup: AHS: The People Post.

Chris "The Master" Masterjohn, The Daily Lipid. Reflections on the Ancestral Health Symposium 2011.

"NomNom Paleo." Two posts with lots of great pics: Ancestral Health Symposium: Day 1 (& Paleo Eats) and Ancestral Health Symposium: Day 2 (& Paleo Eats).

FitBomb. Ancestral Health Symposium 2011. Later, I see this is cross posted at a place called AMP3D.

David "Naturally Engineered" Csonka. Summary of Important Ideas From the 2011 Ancestral Health Symposium.

Alyssa Rhoden, An Omnivore's Decision. The Woodstock of Evolutionary Medicine (Part One): 72 hours of awesome.

Frank "The Exuberant Animal" Forcenich. The guy I was personally most anxious to meet. We're of a mind, along with my buddy Ewan Le Corre. This is more than a diet and a gym. This is deep evolution, deep science, deep natural and playful movement and deep human animal socialization. Ancestral Health Symposium 2011.

Clifton Harski. Leading MovNat courses. AHS11. Holla.

Melissa "The Better Master Half" McEwan, Hunt. Gather. Love. You always just want to pick her up and hug her cuteness. But you also want to pick her amazing brain. Ancestral Health Symposium Part 1.

Whole9. Whole9 Goes to the AHS.

Bare 5. Ancestral Health Symposium 2011: Notes, thoughts and links.

Emotions for Engineers. Ancestral Health Symposium Notes.

Tracy of The Food Way. Ancestral Health Symposium.

Debbie "Grass Fed Momma" Young. She was total sweetheart to moi. The Ancestral Health Symposium: Part one.. too much to jam in one post..or maybe five.

Jennifer Hunt. She has a great blog title I must share: Vibrant. Sexy. Strong. This is what I have been telling you, chicks. She knows exactly how to rule the day. You go, Jennifer. Our Ancestors Are Dead Sexy.

John "The Colbert Caveman" Durant, Hunter-Gatherer. My buddy has granted my wife and I a Major Award. Now, who would you rather party with? 2011 Ancestral Health Symposium Awards.

Jimmy "The Big Guy Sweetheart" Moore, Livin' La Vida Low-Carb. He has a post up listing podcasts he's done with most, if not all of the presenters, me included. And other Podcasts. I keep telling' ya: Jimmy Moore has figured out how to be everyplace all at the same time. Must-Hear Podcast Interviews After Attending The 2011 Ancestral Health Symposium.

big think. I know nothing of it, but looks like some digital media attention. EAT LIKE A CAVEMAN? FIELD NOTES FROM A CONFERENCE ON THE PALEO DIET.

Diane Sanfilippo, BalancedBites. I created a dust up. It's over. We're cool. Post-Ancestral Health Symposium 2011 Thoughts.

Slyler Tanner, fitness. fallacy. folly. Ancestral Health Symposium 2011.

Beth Mazur, Weight Maven. My Ancestral Health recap.

Colin Pistell, Fifth Ape. Ancestral Health Symposium. Plus, I like LA again.

Andreas Eenfeldt, MD, Diet Doctor. Three posts so far: My first lecture on the big international stage, AHS showdown: Gary Taubes vs Stephan Guyenet, Lustig, the number one talk of #AHS11, now online.

J. Stanton, Gnolls.org. Ancestral Health Symposium 2011: You Never Forget Your First Time.

Diana Hsieh, Modern Paleo. Ancestral Health Symposium: My Experience.

Mighty Al, Primal Roar. Ancesteral Health Symposium 2012 Review and other random thoughts.

Melissa "Meliscious" Joulwan, The Clothes Make the Girl, threatens a series of posts and here's the first. AHS Recap: Nora Gedgaudas. Her second is about moi: AHS Recap: Richard Nikoley.

Jos, Delightful Taste Buds. Two posts: Ancestral Health Symposium – Day 1 (Aug 5, 2011) and Ancestral Health Symposium – Day 2 (Aug 6, 2011).

Jules, Queen of the Stone Age. #AHS11.

Bethany Glasser, at her Blog of the same name. Mostly Rosy, but let's move it forward: AHS: The Good the Bad and the Opposite of Ugly.

Tom "I'm a Fat Head" Nauthton, of Fat Head, the Movie and y'know what? "You've Been Fed a Load of Bologna." Ancestral Health Symposium.

Paul Jaminet, Perfect Health Diet. Ancestral Health Symposium.

Krista, STUMPTUOUS.COM. Ancestral Health Symposium roundup. Very funny.

Denise Minger, Raw Food SOS. Ancestral Health Symposium Thoughts, Paleo Vegetarianism, and Other Fun Things.

Dr BG, AnimalPharm. Rockstar Edition: THE AHS 2011.

Karen De Coster, at LewRockwell.com. A Libertarian’s Take on the First Ever Ancestral Health Symposium.

Keith Norris, Theory to Practice. The Ancestral Health Symposium, 2011.

Don Matesz, Primal Wisdom. The Ancestral Health Symposium.

Brent Pottenger, co-organizer of AHS. The Ancestral Health Symposium (AHS) and Its Clinical Implications: If you build a tradition you might just fuel a revolution and The Value of Exposing Ideas to the Envelope of Serendipity: How blogging kick-started the Ancestral Health Symposium (AHS).

Badier, The Lazy Caveman. Link Love: Ancestral Health Symposium Edition.

Angelo "Latest in Paleo" Coppola. He wasn't there (so this will remain at bottom in deference to those who were) but has a podcast about the event, and he's always worth listening to. Episode 27: Ancestral Health Symposium. I'll be recording a podcast with Angelo (same format as before) very soon about my take on the controversies of AHS11 (Taubes vs. Guyenet and more).

Blogger attendees at AHS: Post a comment if you have a post but it's not on the list. I'll add, then delete the comment. Or, if you know of one I haven't listed, same thing.

So how about Help Me, Help You? If you're a blogger, socialize the hell out of this and if you're on the sidelines, do the same. For the bloggers, perhaps you gain readership and for the rest of you, you promote the movement and everyone gets to nest where they want.

Tweet it, post it on Facebook and Google +. Link it. Email it. Go all out. I've had diarrhea of the mouth about my own experience for years now. This is organic Paleo, on the scene remembrances and reflections. Get that natural search and traffic flowing in so that the Fat and Hungry just might find a home.

This is a tough place to take up residence, but there are many other options.