
I'm sorry, but I still can't stand "paleos". (PS Kruse is mentally ill)

The Scribble Pad: I'm sorry, but I still can't stand "paleos". PS Kruse is mentally ill.

This was just lol.

Ok, first can I take the time to point out I barely knew who this Nikoley guy was until he started retarding around the internet, boldly proclaiming himself to eat carbs again, as if he is somehow important and we should give a shit? He wasted no time making a fool of himself, at 50 years old, bragging about how he needs to get in perfect shape to pick up all the hot chicks so he doesn't have to settle for the fat chicks. Dude, no offense, you're halfway to 100. What a midlife crisis we have on our hands, oh my! I'll be sure to wave "hi!"to you, Mr Nikoley, on my neighborhood walks as you lecher around the local highschool/colleges trying to pick up the chicks.

Now, this gem has been plopped onto the internet.

First let me take the time to say Nikoley is a perfect specimen of the sort of paleo mentality that is just so repellant, that I indulge in mockery of, ad lib. The concept of these loser guys who eat "paleo" to feel like "real men". It's just so loltastic, I"m sorry but I can't help myself. It's a similar but opposite thing as "twilight moms". Just so much unintentional hilarity and second hand embarrassment radiating from the situation.

He's got this camped up machismo, this aggressive abusive sexist attitude, complete with little caveman cartoon adorned with loincloth and sphere at the top of his website. Yes, we get it, you are much like that little caveman, armed and dangerous and ready to run amok the african savannah! We know this because there is a lion in the background, implying as Madonna did in 1980, that you are a man, therefore an animal much like a lion. P.S. can I ask why your caveman cartoon features an obvious modern caucasian (discernible from the rectangular face shape) when the background features an african savannah? Is this like when people take pictures with faux exotic backgrounds, so they get to pretend they went somewhere exciting, without really walking the walk or leaving walmart?

Yes, we also get it... eating steak makes you manly. You are just so bad ass you don't GIVE A FUCK and eat extra portions of steak, instead of taking a reasonable portion of meat free food. What else can you expect from a self proclaimed animal, who apparently has now been freed, as a result of purchasing twice as much steak from the local shop and save?

We all get it, you're totally fearsome and badass and dominant... now please stop screaming obscenities at us and being so damned annoying, thanks.

So anyway, I could just spend all day laughing at Nikoley, but I really have to lol double time that he defends Jack "I done gone manic!" Kruse. Look, I myself am partial-ish to Jack Kruse for quite a few reasons, but there comes a time where you just need to respect yourself and call a spade a spade... it is completely absurd this man is a practicing neurosurgeon and is telling people he PURPOSELY injected MRSA BACTERIA into his body. This goes beyond absurd, beyond deception, beyond eccentric, we are now in the "should we 5150 him and perhaps call psychiatrists?" territory, because any medical doctor should be aware of the kind of liability he is exposing himself to making these statements on the internet. The fact he says these things anyway is proof he is too insane to care.

I can forgive ordinary non-medical people who don't realize what a big deal this is, but anyone with even a slight medical background should realize the absurdity of this situation, the man is clearly psychiatric at this point, he is jeopardizing his entire professional career with these statements. Only a psych case wouldn't care about that.

It's apparent Nikoley is a typical emotionally underdeveloped child-man who still believes in superheros, much like a 9 year old boy. Apparently our man child has decided Kruse is a superhero, so he clings to his defense, ironically in a similar way as a religious robot clings to their god (which, for some reason, he mocks, even though he has the same narcissistic tendency to idolize and worship this irrational concept of "human perfection", the same drive motivating the religious to pray to god in hopes of becoming perfect pure people).

Nope Nikoley doesn't do God, just Jack Kruse, because like that Baldwin actor said, admittedly giving him chills and thrills: "doctors are gods, especially harvard ones or surgeon ones, and OMG THE HARVARD SURGEON ONES are most powerful". In other words, Nikoley has decided Kruse is very powerful and important therefore right and worthy of praise and worship no matter how batshit this lunatic becomes.

Normal people hear a speech like that and think "the character portrayed by Baldwin is a narcissistic psychopath".
Nikoley hears this speech like this and thinks "OMG I am so aroused right now!! Can I bask in your radiated arrogance, power, abusive domineering nature, and perhaps absorb a few UV rays of your omnipotence, like a vampire drinking blood for strength?"

This here is an even more perfect example of why the paleo cult is such a BIG JOKE. I have been informed Nikoley is their spokesman, like, he is a big deal... when it is so obvious to anyone with a brainstem that Nikoley is a low level narcissistic, arrogant, selfish, abusive irrelevant nothing, who enjoys pretending to be a caveman in his spare time because it affords him the self image delusion of being self actualized (hypermasculine, strong, fearsome, dominant). The guy is living in a narcissistic dreamworld. The fact that "paleos" clamor around him is all the evidence I need that this is a silly little irrelevant cult.

EDIT/ PS: Emily Deans destroyed him (both Kruse and Nikoley) in that thread. I would be so EMBAWESSED!

I like how Kurt Harris makes a cameo FOR NO REASON other than to brag about how he is more skilled as a doctor than Kruse. "I ALSO PERFORM BRAIN SURGERY" oh shut the fuck up you pompous arrogant windbag, this is not about you . Go back to your forum(s) and rant about your magnificence, your followers will crawl out of the cracks to idolize/praise you.


Sidereal said...
This Nikoley character - beyond pathetic, not worth wasting breath discussing him. Nothing more sad than a 50 year old mediocre fat man who is into Game and hot chicks and thinks steak will get him there. I love the way Harris randomly shows up on these threads to brag. It's like antennae go off whenever an opportunity presents itself for him to tell us how clever he is. This thing with Kruse, you're absolutely right. Non-medical people don't seem to be grasping the seriousness of the situation. If authorities get wind of his mental state, it'll be haldol for him muy pronto.
LeonRover said...
Hey Woooo - you have sharpened your irony to Irish standards!!. BUT . . . . "spade a spade" ??? nooooh - "a feckin' shovel". SlĂ inte
Galina L. said...
I just can't read anything on Kruse blog because I feel it is dangerous for fuses in my head, and I am not super-sensitive. I agree with many diet recommendations of Paleo-movement, I also think and hope it may attract some guys who have a potential to became vegetarians (my son is a student), which is the real menace and higher on my priority list than Richard Nikoley eating potatoes besides some steaks. If many people have such personality that it is a requirement for them to be a part of some "movement", let the "paleo" exist for the sake of public good.
Kamal said...
Emily Deans is as sharp as a high-end Japanese kitchen knife. Her humor:word ratio is extremely high, and it was a pleasure seeing her enter the fray.