edit: also see 50kzone - "You’ve come a long way, USDA - Dr William Davis"
Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com - R.I.P. food pyramid
the new USDA "Plate" is meant to replace the (twelve version) "My Pyramid" introduced by the USDA in 2005: YouTube - Food Pyramid:
My Pyramid was meant to replace the USDA's original 1990's food pyramid, on the basis "the science no longer supported it". http://youtu.be/IJnGFacO3Vs
the Harvard School of Public Health thought My Pyramid was no good:
"The problem was that these efforts, while generally well intentioned, have been quite flawed at actually showing people what makes up a healthy diet. Why? Their recommendations have often been based on out-of-date science and influenced by people with business interests in their messages".so it produced its own food pyramid which differed on key aspects (more background here: http://youtu.be/GciZe53R2bg )
clear now!
or not sure?
maybe some more food pyramids then?
here is what a progressive vegetarian one looks like - from here
here is what a low carb diet food pyramid looks like -
from here
here is what a paleo diet food pyramid looks like -
from here
can you trust institutional organisations like the USDA to get it right?
here is one view: The New USDA Dietary Guidelines: Total Hogwash, and Here’s Why « Raw Food SOS: Troubleshooting on the Raw Food Diet
and see: 50kzone: Grains - The Weston A. Price Foundation