
Cancer treatment - new strategies

William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? | Video on TED.com

ties in with an interesting discussion here ( http://perfecthealthdiet.com/?p=3287 ) on how certain oils can impact on cancer, including omega 3 oils.

anti-PLGF antibody therapy

"VIB – Flanders Institute for Biotechnology – is a nonprofit research institute conducting pioneering research in the life sciences. More than 1000 scientists explore the molecular mechanisms responsible for the functioning of the human body, plants and micro-organisms. VIB strives to apply the inventions with commercial value for the benefit of consumers and patients. This animation features images of VIB research in the field of cancer. Copyright www.vib.be"

David Agus: A new strategy in the war on cancer
"Traditionally, David Agus explains, cancer treatments have had a short-sighted focus on the offending individual cells. He suggests a new, cross-disciplinary approach, using atypical drugs, computer modeling and protein analysis to treat and analyze the whole body."