
Barry Groves Phd - library, list of articles

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Online Nutritional Information and Nutritional Facts n
About Second Opinions
Barry Groves's Books
Copyright Notice
Latest Articles Index
Why 'healthy eating' isn't - INDEX
Why Five Portions of Fruit and Veg? -1
Fats, Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease Information Point -
Fats Index
Cereal Killers - Index
Climb off the Bran Wagon
Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day. Part 1: The foundation course
Salt and Blood Pressure
The Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Index
Statin index
Diabetes Information Point
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Benefits of Sunlight index
Exercise - INDEX
Begin at the Beginning: The Best Diet for Healthy Children. Part 1: Prepare for pregnancy
Food Scares Index
Articles by Wayne Martin - Index
Diseases cured or prevented with a low-carb diet
Health News 2010
Health News 2009
Nutritional news 2008
Nutritional news - 2007
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Vegetarianism: Index
Deutsches Artikelregister
Fluoride Index
How to Have Healthy, Happy Pets - and ditch the vets bills
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
World Record holder, Barry Groves, on Flight Archery
Useful links: Page 1
Contact Second Opinions
Trick and Treat: how 'healthy eating' is making us ill
Trick and Treat: how 'healthy eating' is making us ill
Barry Groves' Books: Trick and Treat reviews
Natural Health and Weight Loss
Natural Health and Weight Loss
GI Blues: What's wrong with the GI Diet
Barry Groves' Video/DVD
Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves To Death
Fluoride Journal, 2001, Book Review
Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves To Death
Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves To Death
Natural Health and Weight Loss
Natural Health and Weight Loss reviews
WHICH? magazine doesn't test low-carb diets -- but rules on them anyway!
Dietary Bran Fibre Increases Cancer Risk. Part 1: Introduction
Dietary Bran Fibre Increases Cancer Risk. Part 2: Diseases
Dietary Bran Fibre Increases Cancer Risk: Part 3: Other adverse effects from fibre
Natural Health and Weight Loss
Natural Health and Weight Loss
Natural Health and Weight Loss
Useful links: Page 1
Useful links: Page 2
World Record holder, Barry Groves, on Flight Archery
World Record holder, Barry Groves, on Flight Archery
World Record holder, Barry Groves, on Flight Archery
World Record holder, Barry Groves, on Flight Archery
World Record holder, Barry Groves, on Flight Archery
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
Global Warming Scam: Why do they need to lie?
Global Warming Scam: Why do they need to lie?
Global Warming Scam: Why do they need to lie? Part 3
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The hockey stick fiasco: Part 1
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The man-made global warming scam - methane: Part 1
The man-made global warming scam - Methane: Part 2
The man-made global warming scam - methane: Part 4
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
The Great 'Man-made' Global Warming Scam: Index
How to Have Healthy, Happy Pets - and ditch the vets bills
Should all animals eat a high-fat, low-carb diet? - 1
Should all animals eat a high-fat, low-carb diet? - 2
Fluoride Index
Fluoride Index
Fluoride: Health or Politics
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Der Unsinn der Schlankheitsdiäten. Teil 1: Einleitung
Der Unsinn der Schlankheitsdiäten. Teil 2: Moderne Schlankheitsdiäten
Der Unsinn der Schlankheitsdiäten. Teil 3: Fakten und Irrtümer zum Thema Fett
Der Unsinn der Schlankheitsdiäten. Teil 4: Moderne Schlankheitsdiäten
Der Unsinn der Schlankheitsdiäten. Teil 5: Nichts Neues unter der Sonne
Der Unsinn der Schlankheitsdiäten. Teil 6: Das Ende aller Diäten?
Deutsches Artikelregister
Früherer Vorsitzender des American College of Cardiology hält "gesunde Ernährung" nicht mehr für vertretbar
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. Part 5: Low-carb, saturated fat diet is better for diabetics
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. Part 5: Low-carb, saturated fat diet is better for diabetics
The Cholesterol Myth. Part 1: Introduction
The Cholesterol Myth: Part 2: Dietary Fats and Heart Disease
The Cholesterol Myth: Part 2: Dietary Fats and Heart Disease
The Cholesterol Myth. Part 3: The Bran Wagon
The Cholesterol Myth. Part 4: Dangers of Low Blood Cholesterol
The Cholesterol Myth. Part 5: Cholesterol Lowering Drugs
The Cholesterol Myth. Part 6: Has Anyone Gained?
The Cholesterol Myth. Part 7: Where Does That Leave Heart Disease?
The Cholesterol Myth. Part 8: A Question of Ethics
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. Part 5: Low-carb, saturated fat diet is better for diabetics
The Soft Science of Dietary Fat
The Soft Science of Dietary Fat
The Soft Science of Dietary Fat
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. Part 5: Low-carb, saturated fat diet is better for diabetics
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. Part 5: Low-carb, saturated fat diet is better for diabetics
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. The correct diet for a Type-2 diabetic
The Correct Nutrition and Diet for Athletes. Part 1: Conventional advice
The Correct Nutrition and Diet for Athletes. Part 2: Now let's get it right!
The Correct Nutrition and Diet for Athletes. Part 3: So what is wrong with carbo-loading
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. The correct diet for a Type-2 diabetic
Diabetes: Suitable Foods for Diabetic Persons
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs: Introducation
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. Part 1: The Scale of the Problem
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. Part 2: What is Diabetes — and are you at risk?
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. Part 3: Conventional Treatment — or a progression to ill health - Second Opinions, UK
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. Part 4: Why carbs are the wrong foods for diabetics
Cure and prevent diabetes mellitus with diet, not drugs. Part 7: Type 1 Diabetes
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Abzocke bei Diätprodukten
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Mythos Cholesterin. Teil 1: Einleitung
Mythos Cholesterin. Teil 2: Nahrungsfette und Herzkrankheit
Mythos Cholesterin - Teil 3: Ballaststoffe marsch!
Mythos Cholesterin. Teil 4: Gefahr durch niedrigen Blutcholesterinspiegel
Mythos Cholesterin. Teil 5: Cholesterinsenker
Mythos Cholesterin. Teil 6: Vorteile?
Mythos Cholesterin. Teil 7: Und was ist nun mit der Herzkrankheit? -
Mythos Cholesterin. Teil 8: Eine Frage der Ethik
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Deutsches Artikelregister
Ungesundes Dogma - ungesundes Essen - 1
Ungesundes Dogma - ungesundes Essen -2
Ungesundes Dogma - ungesundes Essen - 3
Ungesundes Dogma - ungesundes Essen - 5
Deutsches Artikelregister
Herzmedikament - Neue Hoffnung bei Krebs
Vegetarianism: Index
The Naive Vegetarian
The Naive Vegetarian
Comparison Between the Digestive Tracts of a Carnivore, a Herbivore and Man. Part 1: Introduction
Comparison Between the Digestive Tracts of a Carnivore, a Herbivore and Man. Part 2: The gut of a carnivore — the Dog - Second Opinions, UK
Comparison Between the Digestive Tracts of a Carnivore, a Herbivore and Man. Part 3: The gut of a herbivore — The sheep - Second Opinions, UK
Comparison Between the Digestive Tracts of a Carnivore, a Herbivore and Man. Part 4: The gut of a human — The Shepherd - Second Opinions, UK
The Naive Vegetarian
Vegetarianism: Index
Vegetarianism: Index
Vegetarianism: Index
Vegetarianism: Index
Vegetarianism: Index
Vegetarianism: Index
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Efficacy of Breast Cancer Screening
What's Behind The Screens? Introduction
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation Don't Help Osteoporosis
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Does Cholesterol Feed Prostate Cancer?
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Weight Gain Common After Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Sunshine is Really Good for You After all - And it Prevents Cancer
Sunlight Information: Skin Cancers and Vitamin D
Sunlight Information: Skin Cancers and Vitamin D
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2004-2005
Nutritional news - 2007
Nutritional news - 2007
Nutritional news - 2007
Nutritional news - 2007
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Atherosclerosis information: Part 1
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Cancer: disease of civilisation. Part 1: Introduction
Cancer: disease of civilisation. Part 2: Causes of cancer
Cancer: disease of civilisation. Part 3: Where does the fault lie?
Cancer: disease of civilisation. Part 4: Cancer research has hampered progress
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Diet and Breast Cancer Information. Part 1
Diet and Breast Cancer Information. Part 2: Polyunsaturated fats and breast cancer
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Colon Cancer Dietary Information
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Skin Cancers: An Introduction
Skin Cancer: 2
Skin Cancer: 3
Skin Cancers: 4
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Cirrhosis of the Liver Information
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Congestive heart failure information
Coronary heart disease. Part 1: Introduction
Coronary heart disease. Part 2: Studies challenge the cholesterol theory
Coronary heart disease. Part 3: Plant sterols may be a danger
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Don't Hurry Your Death
Don't Hurry Your Death. Part 2: Low cholesterol increases death rates in youth
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Immunity to Infections: An Introduction
Immunity to Infections: Polyunsaturated Fats Suppress The Immune System
Immunity to Infections: Low Blood Cholesterol Compromises Immune Function
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Insulin Resistance Information: Part 1
Insulin Resistance Information: Part 2
Insulin Resistance Information: Part 3
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Information
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Information
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Doctors refuse to accept statins' side effects
Nutritional news - 2007
Nutritional news - 2007
Nutritional news - 2007
Over 110 years old and still going
Nutritional news - 2007
Nutritional news - 2007
Nutritional news - 2007
Nutritional news - 2007
Nutritional news 2008
Nutritional news 2008
Nutritional news 2008
Nutritional news 2008
Nutritional news 2008
Nutritional news 2008
Nutritional news 2008
Health News 2009
Moderate-Fat Diet May Be Better than Low-Fat at Reducing Heart Risks - Health News - Second Opinions
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2009
Health News 2010
Health News 2010
Diseases cured or prevented with a low-carb diet
Diseases cured or prevented with a low-carb diet
Articles by Wayne Martin - Index
Articles by Wayne Martin - Index
Articles by Wayne Martin - Index
Articles by Wayne Martin - Index
Articles by Wayne Martin - Index
Articles by Wayne Martin - Index
Articles by Wayne Martin - Index
Articles by Wayne Martin - Index
History of Coley's Toxins
Food Scares Index
Food Scares Index
Food Scares Index
Food Scares Index
Additives: Look Before You Eat. Part 1
Additives: Look Before You Eat. Part 2: Can you trust the labels?
Food Scares Index
Food Scares Index
Why Buy Bottled Water? Part 1: The bottled water fad
Why Buy Bottled Water? Part 2: Bottled Water Cleanliness
Food Scares Index
The implications of cooking foods and methods used. Part 1: General Considerations
The implications of cooking foods and methods used. Part 2; The effects of cooking on digestion time
The implications of cooking foods and methods used. Part 3: Bioavailability of Food-Stuffs
The implications of cooking foods and methods used. Part 4: The Principles of Cooking
The implications of cooking foods and methods used. Part 5: Ways of cooking
Begin at the Beginning: The Best Diet for Healthy Children. Part 1: Prepare for pregnancy
Begin at the Beginning: The Best Diet for Healthy Children. Part 2: Diet during pregnancy and breast feeding
Begin at the Beginning: The Best Diet for Healthy Children. Part 3: Weaning to Teething
Begin at the Beginning: The Best Diet for Healthy Children. Part 4: Growing up
Exercise - INDEX
The Exercise Myth, part 1: Exercise and weight loss
The Exercise Myth, part 2; Exercise and heart disease
The Exercise Myth. Part 3: The Dangers of Exercise
Benefits of Sunlight index
Benefits of Sunlight index
Benefits of Sunlight index
Benefits of Sunlight index
Benefits of Sunlight index
Benefits of Sunlight index
Benefits of Sunlight index
Benefits of Sunlight index
Benefits of Sunlight index
Benefits of Sunlight index
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Cancer Index. Part 2: Alternative Cancer Treatments
Cancer Index:. Part 3: Adverse effects of cancer industry
Cancer Index. Part 2: Alternative Cancer Treatments
Cancer Index. Part 2: Alternative Cancer Treatments
Cancer Index. Part 2: Alternative Cancer Treatments
Cancer Index. Part 2: Alternative Cancer Treatments
MBVax Bioscience Revives Coley's Toxins
MBVax Bioscience Revives Coley's Toxins
Cancer Index. Part 2: Alternative Cancer Treatments
A New Hypothesis on Spontaneous Remission of Cancer: 1
A New Hypothesis on Spontaneous Remission of Cancer: 2
A New Hypothesis on Spontaneous Remission of Cancer: 4
Cancer Index. Part 2: Alternative Cancer Treatments
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Animal Fats Don't Cause Breast Cancer
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Unhealthy dogma means unhealthy food: Part 1
Unhealthy dogma means unhealthy food: Part 2
Unhealthy dogma means unhealthy food: Part 3
Unhealthy dogma means unhealthy food: Part 4
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Can eating Bread Cause Cancer? - 1
Heated Starches and Cancer Risk - 2
Cancer Index. Part 1: Cancer Prevention
Diabetes Information Point
Diabetes Information Point
Statin index
Statin index
Statin index
Patients must be told of statins' side effects
Statin index
Statin index
Statin index
Statin index
The Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Index
The Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Index
One Woman's Experience with Xenical Part 1
One Woman's Experience with Xenical: Part 2
The Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Index
The Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Index
The Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Index
The Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Index
The Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Index
The Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Index
Nonsense Slimming Diets: Part 1
Nonsense Slimming Diets: Part 2
Nonsense Slimming Diets: Part 3
Nonsense Slimming Diets: Part 4
Nonsense Slimming Diets: Part 5
Nonsense Slimming Diets: Part 6
The Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet: Index
Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day. Part 1: The foundation course
Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day. Part 2: Weight control
Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day. Part 3: Exceptions
Fried Breakfast is Best
Climb off the Bran Wagon
Dietary Fibre and Deficiency Diseases. Part 1: Introduction
Climb off the Bran Wagon. Part 2: Fibre and colon cancer
Climb off the Bran Wagon. Part 3: Oat bran — the wonder fibre?
Climb off the Bran Wagon, Part 4: Fibre and mineral absorption
Climb off the Bran Wagon. Part 5: Men only
Cereal Killers - Index
The Seeds of Ill-Health-1
The Seeds of Ill-Health-2
The Seeds of Ill-Health-3
The Seeds of Ill-Health-4
Fats Index
Fats Index
Fats Index
Fats Index
UK Food Standards Agency shows its ignorance - part 1
UK Food Standards Agency shows its ignorance - part 2
UK Food Standards Agency shows its ignorance - part 3
UK Food Standards Agency shows its ignorance - part 4
UK Food Standards Agency shows its ignorance - part 5
UK Food Standards Agency shows its ignorance- part 6
UK Food Standards Agency shows its ignorance - part 7
UK Food Standards Agency shows its ignorance - part 8
UK Food Standards Agency shows its ignorance - part 9
Fats Index
Fats Index
Fats, Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease Information Point -
An Interview with cholesterol sceptic, Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD: Part 1 -
An Interview with cholesterol sceptic, Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD: Part 2 -
Fats, Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease Information Point -
Fats, Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease Information Point -
Fats, Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease Information Point -
Fats, Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease Information Point -
Fats, Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease Information Point -
Why Five Portions of Fruit and Veg? -1
Why Five Portions of Fruit and Veg?-2
Why Five Portions of Fruit and Veg?-3
Why Five Portions of Fruit and Veg?-4
Why Five Portions of Fruit and Veg?-5
Why 'healthy eating' isn't - INDEX
Epigenetics: You are what your grandarents ate - part 1
Epigenetics: You are what your grandarents ate - part 2
Epigenetics: You are what your grandarents ate - part 3
Epigenetics: You are what your grandarents ate - part 4
Why 'healthy eating' isn't - INDEX
Why 'healthy eating' isn't - INDEX
Latest Articles Index
Advertising Standards Authority supports Food Standards Agency
Latest Articles Index
Latest Articles Index
Insulin resistance is the greatest risk factor for heart attacks
Latest Articles Index
Latest Articles Index
Online Nutritional Information and Nutritional Facts

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