
Cereal Killers| letfatbethymedicine.com




Cornflake Hall of Fame | letfatbethymedicine.com

Eating all of 100,000 cals,100 eggs,70% fat, 28 days. Prof Tim Noakes MD guides one man's quest to hack his genes & avoid Heart Disease, T2 Diabetes.

    •    Does FAT make you FAT?
    •    Is sugar TOXIC?
    •    Should BREAD be BANNED?
    •    What the hell has Cholesterol PARTICLE SIZE got to do with HEART DISEASE?

Cereal Killers is the feature length documentary film with all the answers.

The film follows Donal - a lean, fit, seemingly healthy 41 year old man – on a quest to hack his genes and drop dead healthy by avoiding the heart disease and diabetes that has afflicted his family.

Donal’s father Kevin, an Irish gaelic football star from the 1960s, won the first of 2 All Ireland Championships with the Down Senior Football Team in 1960 before the biggest crowd (94,000) ever seen at an Irish sporting event.

When Kevin suffered a heart attack later in life, family and friends were shocked. How does a lean, fit and seemingly healthy man - who has sailed through cardiac stress tests - suddenly fall victim to heart disease?

The podcast interview
Mon, 17 June 2013

First-time filmmaker and low-carb, high-fat diet advocate Donal O'Neill and functional medicine physician and health blogger/podcaster Dr. Amy Myers are our guests today in Episode 692 of “The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show.”

We are constantly on the lookout for people who are doing great work on behalf of helping others cut through the morass of information about nutrition and health. Donal O'Neill from "Let Fat Be Thy Medicine" most certainly fits that description.

He decided he wanted to make a film highlighting and featuring the great carbohydrate-restriction work of two former LLVLC Show podcast guests Professor Tim Noakes from South Africa and Dr. John Briffa from the UK.

The footage for this outstanding new movie called Cereal Killers is already underway and Donal needs YOUR help with his Kickstarter fundraising campaign to get it finished and out there to make an impact on the way we eat. Listen in at the very beginning as Jimmy (who has seen the one-hour of proof of concept footage) and Donal discuss in a brief 10-minute mini-interview why he personally decided to do this project, his self-experiment for the film eating a low-carb, high-fat diet and the hopes and dreams he has for taking the message of this film to a worldwide audience!