
Study - Boiled starch lose persorbability

SpringerLink - Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (Formerly Qualitas Plantarum), Volume 17, Number 1

It was found that within a few minutes of the consumption of rolled oats, wheat flakes, whole-meal, or of the same amount of starch in the form of potato- or corn-starch, numerous unchanged starch granules can be demonstrated in the blood. A prerequisite for this mechanism is the persorbability of the starch granules, which is limited by the size and consistency of the uncooked starch granules. Persorption was observed up to a diameter of 110 microns. The persorbability of starch granules may be recognized by their polarizing capacity.

Numerous foods when ready to eat contain masses of such persorbable starch granules. In particular, they are present in cereals in flake form (rolled oats, wheat flakes) in whole-meal, in crisp-bread, also in short-bread pastries, biscuits and cakes in which no milk or water is used in the preparation. Dry heat does not affect the persorbability of starch granules. Boiled starch granules lose their persorbability.

STUDY: Med Hypotheses 1991 Jun;35(2):85-87 “Persorption of raw starch: a cause of senile dementia? Freedman BJ “Intact starch granules in food can pass through the intestinal wall and enter the circulation. They remain intact if they have not been cooked for long enough in the presence of water. Some of these granules embolise arterioles and capillaries. In most organs the collateral circulation suffices for continued function.In the brain, however, neurones may be lost. Over many decades the neuronal loss could be of clinical importance. To test this hypothesis, there is a need to examine brains for the presence of embolised starch granules. Examining tissues polariscopically clearly distinguishes starch granules from other objects of similar appearance.”