
"I would look for eggs with the lowest amount of PUFAs" AV-Skeptics : Message: [AV-Skeptics] Low-PUFA Eggs Study

"I would look for eggs with the lowest amount of PUFAs." AV-Skeptics : Message: [AV-Skeptics] Low-PUFA Eggs Study

Posted By: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:46 am  |

I found this study recently after someone mentioned a study like
this where they tried to make Low-PUFA eggs. They found that
making eggs with a higher MUFA:PUFA ratio provided strong
protections against LDL oxidation, whereas making eggs with
more anti-oxidants had no benefits.

This verifies what I have said, that it's ideal to have a high ratio
of MUFA:PUFA and SFA:PUFA. The regular eggs had a 2:1
ratio of MUFA:PUFA, while the high MUFA:PUFA eggs had a
4:1 ratio of oleic acid (18:1 n-9) to linoleic acid (18:2 n-6).

I'm using eggs with a 4:1 MUFA-to-PUFA ratio (2g of MUFAs,
and 0.5g of PUFA). They have a 3:1 ratio of SFA to PUFA. A
lot of eggs have twice this much PUFAs, based on nutritional
panels (accurate to 0.5g of fat). I would look for eggs with the
lowest amount of PUFAs. Free range is not good enough, as
they often deliberately feed them food that reduces the SFAs
or increases the PUFAs, esp omega-3, which is more prone
to lipid peroxidation than omega-6 fats.

I don't eat a lot of eggs Sometimes 2-4. Sometimes none. It
is better to eat beef fat IMO, because it has around 16 times
more MUFAs than PUFAs, and a similarly high ratio of SFA
to PUFA, making it vastly more stable.

Unless I could verify that chickens were fed low-PUFA diets,
or that their eggs had no more than 0.5g of PUFA, I wouldn't
eat more than one egg a day max. Ray Peat seems to think
the same, that high-PUFA eggs are bad.

So much money has been wasted and so many lives have
been destroyed by telling people they to avoid "saturated"
fat and eat PUFA oils. The fats to avoid are the PUFA oils
like soybean, corn, canola, safflower, sunflower, rapeseed,
cottonseed, hemp, flax, and so forth. Normal foods with an
abundance of PUFAs should also be limited, like chicken
and turkey skin (duck and goose are better), fatty seafood,
most nuts, seeds, corn, oatmeal, etc. The best oils are the
tropical oils like coconut, macadamia, cocoa butter (not
chocolate), and red palm oil. Oils like olive, avocado, and
hazelnut should be used less often.

My theory of the MUFA/PUFA ratio and SFA/PUFA ratio
has been confirmed repeatedly now. The farmers should
start feeding their animals low-PUFA diets if they want to
provide healthy food. I would suggest feeding pigs things
like potatoes, milk, fruit, coconut, and rice. With that diet,
their fat would be vastly more healthy.

Lard has a 4:1 ratio of MUFA/PUFA (48% vs 12%) and
a 3.3:1 ratio of SFA/PUFA, so it might be OK in modest
amounts, along with low-PUFA eggs. I would avoid stuff
like chicken and turkey skins, with a ~2:1 MUFA:PUFA
ratio and ~1:1 SFA:PUFA ratio. Those will probably be
found to increase LDL oxidation vastly when compared
to beef, buffalo, ghee, lamb, and pork.

I suspect that foie gras (32:1 M/P) and macadamia oil
(40:1 M/P) will be found to minimize LDL oxidation, as
will coconut oil, cocoa butter, and so on.
